Parental Relocation

Bringing Experience, Attention & Powerful Advocacy to Your Case

Successful Handling of Complex Parental Relocation Cases

At Andrew M. Smith, P.A. in Boca Raton, Florida, we recognize that parental relocation issues can be complicated.

Whether you are demanding that the relocation be stopped, or you have questions about Florida parental relocation law, contact us today by phone at 561‑961-4665. You can also contact us by e‑mail through this Web site to schedule an appointment with our attorney. We offer a low-cost initial consultation.

Helping You with Parental Relocation

If you are a custodial parent who plans to move more than 50 miles away from your former spouse after a divorce or your former spouse is planning to leave the state with your child, we can help in regards to the proposed move. At Andrew M. Smith, P.A., we will take the time to explain your rights, obligations and options under Florida’s parental relocation laws.

Stripping Away the Emotions of Parental Relocation and Getting to the Facts

When a custodial parent proposes to move away, the prospect requires major adjustment by the parents, children, grandparents and other extended family members, and the family court must decide whether the proposed move is in the best interests of the children. While relocation disputes can be emotional and often difficult to resolve, we will address the facts of your case and consider the interests of all parties, primarily the children.

Formal Process for Parental Relocation

An informal agreement between the parents is not enough. A relocation agreement must be in writing and clearly define visitation rights and transportation arrangements. When that is completed, the court must ratify the decree. If the parties cannot agree or the non‑custodial spouse does not consent to the relocation, the matter must be submitted to the court. To achieve the best result, you need the help of our firm’s founder, attorney Andrew M. Smith.

Contact Us

For more information or to schedule an appointment with an experienced lawyer, please contact us.

The hiring of a Florida lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualifications and experience. This web site is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice or the formation of an attorney/client relationship.

Can I refuse visitation if my ex-spouse fails to pay child support?
No. You cannot refuse visitation, if it has been ordered by the Court, because your ex-spouse has failed to pay child support. The failure of a party to follow a court order should be brought to the attention of the Court. Therefore, if your ex-spouse violates a court order to pay child support, that issue should be brought to the Court’s attention.
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There has been an order of child support in my case, but my circumstances have changed. Is it possible to have the child support order modified?
The Court will look at a change in circumstances of the parties through a petition to modify support. If there has been a substantial change in circumstances since the original order, the Court may modify the order, based on those changed circumstances.
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My spouse has always controlled our finances. He/She makes the money and I don’t have access to funds to pay for an attorney. What do I do?
Most attorneys require an initial retainer before they will start working on your case. Many attorneys accept credit cards. Once the case reaches the court system, the Court may require your spouse to pay for your attorney’s fees.
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What is mediation?
Mediation is a process where the two parties get together and attempt to negotiate a settlement between the two, rather than having the judge make the final decision. Mediation can save time, money and misery. A settlement is not required, however, simply because you agree to mediate.
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How is marital property divided in Florida?
As a general rule, in the state of Florida, property acquired during the marriage is split evenly, despite whose name the property is in. With any general rule, there are exceptions. The courts can change the percentage depending on the parties’ specific circumstances.
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What if my spouse is hiding or misrepresenting his assets?
Each party must sign a sworn financial affidavit. If your spouse is hiding or misrepresenting his assets, you may be entitled to compensation relating to those hidden assets.
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