Divorce is difficult enough without going into it unprepared. If you think a divorce is in your future, there are several things you can do in Florida to protect your financial interests and your family relationships.
At the Law Offices of Andrew M. Smith we have more than 30 years of experience working with couples on issues such as separation, divorce and child custody. Contact me to discuss your concerns during a low cost initial consultation.
Divorce Considerations
When clients come to me with questions about dissolving their marriages, usually the areas of concern include equitable distribution of marital assets and debts, child custody and child support, and alimony. Here are a few of the things I may suggest to my clients:
- List what is important for you to achieve in your divorce, including what you would like for your children and your own financial goals.
- Collect information about your tax returns, insurance policies, bank statements, benefit programs, salary information and investment accounts.
- Open a bank account in only your name and at a bank where your spouse does not do business.
- If you receive a gift, preserve documents that show the gift was given to you personally and not to you and your spouse jointly. If you receive an inheritance, do not place it into a joint account or joint ownership with your spouse.
- Make sure your valuable documents are in a safe place.
- Do not sign any contracts, loans, mortgages, deeds or other documents without consulting a lawyer.
- Do not say anything disparaging about your spouse, especially if you have children.
It is important to keep lines of communication open with your spouse. If you can negotiate a divorce settlement with your spouse without going to court, you can make the decisions rather than letting a judge decide.
Also important: do not make any life-changing decisions until you are thinking clearly about your situation. Florida will not grant you a divorce unless your marriage is irretrievably broken. If you can fix your marriage, you will save yourself a lot of money and grief.
Contact the Law Offices of Andrew M. Smith to discuss your concerns during a low-cost initial consultation.
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